From Believer to Atheist

Never, in all my life, did I ever imagine that I would be where I am now.  I really believed I had an unshakable testimony and faith, and that nothing could change that.  Born in the covenant (LDS Church), seminary graduate, served a mission, married in the temple, served to the best of my ability in all my callings, dedicated my heart and life to the Church.  Well, here I am now, admitting to you the truth of my beliefs.  In 2010, I was still a firm believer in God, a firm believer in Christ, and a firm believer that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was the one and ONLY true church on the earth – and the only way to salvation was through the Church and abiding by its teachings.  Now, 2016, I stand before you as a Humanist.  I believe in Humanity, and that we are all here on this earth as equals and all of us deserve equal and just treatment, respect, kindness and love.  I believe that everyone has a right to agency, regardless of someone else’s belief system.  I believe that we gain truth and knowledge through critical thinking, questioning, studying, weighing beliefs with evidence, studying both sides of any question, and the scientific method.  I believe that my life is in my own hands, and I do not think anyone has the right to tell me or my family how we should live or what we should believe and to never question what is being said by them.  I believe that our morals should be guided by these principles – by love, by respect and by the golden rule.  And, I am an Atheist.

How did I come to this?  How does one go from being a true, believing Mormon to an Atheist?  At times it has been a dark and lonely place.  It has been hell for both my wife and I as I have navigated this storm, as WE have navigated this storm.  It has been the hardest thing, mentally, that I have gone through, and has nearly cost me my marriage.  It has pained and haunted me many, many days and nights to know I have caused my wife so much pain and anguish, and to know I have caused my parents so much pain and disappointment.  Coming to accept that I no longer believed was not an easy thing to admit.  Or accept.  I did not take my search or study lightly, and I felt like my eternal salvation was on the line.  Everything I had known, everything I had believed to be true, was on the line.  If anyone had ever needed answers in their life, I did.  I searched, I studied, I prayed, I went to the temple, I did everything I could think of to find answers – to find God.  I didn’t take this lightly.

I know how this looks to everyone around us.  I was there.  I used to look at others who would fall away the same way, and we have been taught to do so by the Church.  People that leave the church only leave for certain reasons – They must have a porn problem.  They must have something in their life that is wrong.  They must be lazy.  They must want to sin.  They never really had a testimony.  They have never really gotten an answer.  They haven’t studied hard enough.  They must not be reading the Book of Mormon enough.  They haven’t prayed the right way.  They have been deceived.  Etc. Etc.  I can assure you that none of these are the case!  When I lost my testimony I wanted nothing more than to keep my testimony, to keep my faith in God and the Church, to keep the hope that the Gospel gave me.  I was so far away from thinking that it possibly couldn’t be true when I started this journey, and I had such a strong and unshakeable faith.   I wasn’t looking for problems or trying to find an excuse to leave, strange as that may seem.

Some have mentioned to me about putting my faith in man, and that ultimately we need to put our faith in God only.  I agree, and one of the first things for me was to realize that the Church and God are two separate things.  The Church made me feel like they are one and the same, and made me feel like questioning the Brethren was also questioning God.  I have found that the Church has no place for questioning, and really does not allow you to think differently than the Brethren.  We always say we can pray for answers to know what the Brethren say is true or not, but in the end, if we come up with a different answer than what they have said WE are the ones who are wrong and need to change our hearts.  It is only later after the prophet is long gone that the Church allows us to look back and say, Oh, we don’t believe that – they were only speaking as man, not as a prophet.  If a prophet can lead us astray or teach things openly as being from God that the Church can later say was only them speaking as man, what is the whole purpose of a prophet?  Will the current positions and doctrines of the church someday just be something they look back on and say, Oh – they were only speaking as man?  In reality, as members WE are putting our trust in men.  It is all just the “philosophies of men”.  Now, I feel like my trust and faith is in no man but myself and my family.  No longer do I believe that I must accept what anyone says with unquestionable faith, especially when that person tells me that they speak for God.

My journey really started in 2009 or so with the History Channel.  I was Ward Mission Leader at the time, and I watched a program about the Old Testament, and the historical evidences for the Old Testament, particularly Noah’s Ark and the global flood.  It was strangely obvious to me, after watching the program, that I didn’t believe in the global flood or that Noah really brought every species of animal to his ark, etc. etc.  Not a big deal, there are a lot of things I don’t agree with in the Old Testament, and I knew my salvation didn’t depend upon me believing in the flood or not.  However, as I continued to think about things, and about geography, the age of the earth, the historicity of biblical claims, and as I taught Gospel Principles, it became harder and harder for me to accept different aspects of the biblical teachings, such as the age of the earth only being 5000 years old, Adam and Eve, the Creation narrative, etc.  Still, the Old Testament is hard for most members to swallow, even most Christians.  It is filled with stories of God allowing rape, genocide, misogyny, jealousy, rage, slavery, discrimination, incest, etc.  So I dismissed these doubts and persisted forward with faith.

Later, my youngest sister and her husband went through a faith crisis.  It was hard for us all to understand, and for us to relate.  How could this be?  Where did this all come from?  Well, my wife and I invited them into our home and talked with them, and tried to really understand what was going on, and where they were coming from.  They had come across a bunch of issues they hadn’t known before, and had a lot of questions.  These were deeper issues than most of the lay membership know about and I decided to take it upon myself to find answers to these questions.  Not because I was being persuaded by them to look into these things, but because I felt like these were questions that the Church had answers to and I needed to help them.  These were not trivial questions, or questions to be easily dismissed or invalidated.  But, I knew I could find the answers for them, and that their sources would prove to be erroneous or that they had been misled.  I remember telling my Dad on the phone that I was going to look into things, and him telling me to just be careful.  Be really careful.  My dad was Bishop, Counselor in the Stake Presidency, and Stake President for all of my growing up years, and is currently the Patriarch of his stake.  He has seen many people leave the church.  I felt compelled, however, to go forward, because after all, if any of my kids were ever going through a similar situation, I would want them to come talk and counsel with me.  How could I expect them to ever come to me if I wasn’t even aware of what the issues were?  I also knew that with the information age that we live in it would just be a matter of time before my own kids would probably stumble upon some of these issues, and I didn’t want to be blindsided by them and not be able to help them if they should have any questions.

So…. I began an intense study of the issues they brought forward, and other issues I began to discover along the way.  I knew my testimony was strong and unshakeable, and I knew the truth, and I knew that the truth would prevail.  I also went forward with the mind-set that truth should be able to stand up against all scrutiny, and questions, and evidence.  I felt that I already had that evidence, and had been taught my whole life by the Church that what was taught was right and true, and that other sources outside of the Church were falsified, or from those deceived by the devil.  Truth will always come out on top.  I was scared to go forward, but I prayerfully did so with faith.

I was encouraged by different quotes that I found to even begin investigating the “issues”.  Thomas Jefferson said that “However discomforting a free exchange may be, truth with ultimately emerge the victor.”  Perhaps one of my favorite quotes is by Hugh B Brown.  “I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping-stones to progress.  We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed.  Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant.  Only error fears freedom of expression…This free exchange of ideas is not to be deplored as long as men and women remain humble and teachable.  Neither fear of consequence of any kind of coercion should ever be used to secure uniformity of thought in the church.  People should express their problems and opinions and be unafraid to think without fear of ill consequences…. We must preserve freedom of mind in the church and resist all efforts to suppress it.

I read, and read, and read, and read.  That in and of itself is huge for me, because I hate to read.  I studied intently (and still do). I listened to talks and podcasts at work.  I prayed earnestly for guidance, knowledge, and answers.  I continued to read and study my scriptures as well.  I tried to leave no stone unturned, no box un-opened.  Nothing left on the shelf.  I read books and articles written by scholars and historians inside the church and outside of the church.  I discovered a different side of Mormonism and the Church’s side of Apologetics.  The apologists only confused me more as they had to twist, spin, and misconstrue every issue to try and make sense of it.  Shouldn’t the truth of the church easily stand on its own merits and not need complicated or convoluted explanations to try and make sense of the issues?

As things started to break down for me, my mind was conflicted with the new information I was finding and with what I had always believed and known to be true.  If, on the one hand the things I was studying were true, how could the things that I believed before I found this new information be true?  How could I have gotten answers to my prayers about the Book of Mormon or the Church before when my questions were based on a false narrative?  So, I studied other things too, like the history of religion, the history of the bible and Christianity, the psychology behind belief, etc.  The more and more I studied these things, the more and more my shelf was crumbling and my testimony was being torn apart.  All the while I was pursuing my studies, I kept it all personal and didn’t reach out to anyone.  I internalized and processed everything on my own.  At one point I remember my wife asking me if we should study these things together because she knew I was beginning to be troubled.  I wanted to protect her, and protect her testimony, so I told her no – to just let me study on my own so she wouldn’t be troubled by anything.  Looking back now, maybe that wasn’t the best choice.

I struggled with the information I was finding.  It was an internal battle.  It was sad and depressing.  There was so much information that was just contradictory to what I had thought I had known, what I had believed.  What was so damaging is the fact that this information wasn’t from invalid or unverifiable sources.  It wasn’t lies, or things that had been exaggerated or invented.  It wasn’t anti-mormon rhetoric.  It is ironic, because the Deseret News recently ran a story about the Mormon History Association giving an award to D. Michael Quinn for his contributions to Mormon History – an author who was excommunicated in the early 90’s for publishing the same information he is now being awarded for.  Even the church, with the new essays they have released, admit and acknowledge some of the issues that countless people have been excommunicated for talking about or trying to tell others about.

Well, after about a year or so of intense study, prayer, and struggling, I admitted to myself that, for me, the truth claims of the church in relation to the actual history of the church were not reconcilable.  As hard as that was, and as sad as that was, it just isn’t.  I had come to believe that the church was not the only true church.  For many, many reasons.  It was the first time in a long time that my mind was finally put at ease and I felt a huge burden lift.  It was only the beginning though.

It was a huge bomb to drop on my dear wife.  She was devastated by this, and our relationship went through a very rocky time, to say the least.  I have tried to be respectful to her and protect her, and have offered her the same scenario that was offered on the movie “The Matrix.”   Take the red pill, I will tell you everything and your world will change.  Take the blue pill, and I will respect that and not tell you anything.  She chose the blue pill, and I truly do respect that.  It is hard not being on the same page, and not being able to really discuss things, but at the same time, I don’t wish this upon her either.  I don’t ever desire to throw someone’s worldview and hope into chaos.  Imagine your relationship with your spouse – it is mostly built on the foundation of the Gospel and the beliefs you share, I would imagine.  The Church is a central part of your lives.  Now, imagine that, for whatever reason, you were unable to believe in the Church anymore.  How would that affect your marriage built on the foundation of the Church?  From the very beginnings in primary the girls are taught to accept nothing but a temple marriage and to have the priesthood in their home.  They even have young women activities planning aspects of their temple marriages and imagining their homes with a faithful priesthood holder at the helm to lead them into an eternal life.  I took that from our marriage, I took that from my wife.  She felt like me losing my testimony was worse than if I had had an affair.  She was pulled in different directions as people offered their advice.  Even my own parents told her they supported her if she chose to divorce me.  Our Bishop, luckily, offered her the good counsel and advice that family is more important than all of that and that she needed to just concentrate on our relationship and finding the good in our marriage.  Most people, especially in the LDS church, end up divorced in a situation like ours.  Things have improved with time, and we are in a really good place right now after time to heal, counseling, and compromise from both of us.  She has been a brave woman to stay by my side.  I have lost the respect of many friends and people in the Ward, and she has lost friendships too.  Simply because I now believe differently than they do.

I was Executive Secretary at the time, but after years of the decimation of my belief I just couldn’t continue holding a calling and asked to be released. This was back in 2013.  I explained to everyone in the last Bishopric meeting that I attended on why I needed to be released so as to not put the burden on the Bishop, and by the end of the week pretty much the whole ward knew I was an apostate.  Rumors flew like wildfire as to my reasons – I had an affair, we were getting divorced, etc. etc. – but a handful of friends reached out and just said they love me no matter what, and just left it at that.

I wrote a letter to my family and parents to explain I no longer believed and what that would mean for our future.  Most of my siblings texted or emailed a short note of support.  A couple of them called me.  My Dad wrote a 3 sentence email in response.  And… that has pretty much been the extent of how much he has tried to talk to me about it.  My Dad and I still talk and have a fine relationship, but the concerns and issues I have are not a topic that is up for discussion.  That is sad to me and really hard to understand.

So, that is it in a nutshell.  I have never tried to get anyone to follow my path, and I have never tried to force this information on anyone.  I did go through an angry stage for a while, and I understand now that it is a normal part of the stages of grief.  I was angry at the Church for what I felt was hypocrisy.  From an organization that requires me to be honest in all my dealings with my fellow-man, I felt that they had not been honest with me about so many things.  The church, through a coordinated effort, has whitewashed so many aspects of its history, and deliberately hidden so many things from its members.  I was mad that I was made to be a bad guy when I hadn’t created the problem – they did.  I was now just a scapegoat.  An apostate.  Someone the Church had taught the members about for years to avoid – an evil apostate that everyone was now scared of or felt awkward around.  It wasn’t fair that my marriage was struggling because of issues that they had created or twisted or lied about.  I was angry that the God that I had believed in had remained silent through it all, and wouldn’t answer my heartfelt questions, my honest yearnings for answers and peace.  Either he wasn’t there and didn’t exist, or he was OK with the path I was on and leaving it up to me.

I had no place where I fit in.  I didn’t fit in with the Mormon crowd anymore.  I was a splinter in the side of the community that I had spent my life in.  I didn’t believe the same, I didn’t think the same.  I had a different view of things than the believing members did, yet I couldn’t say anything about it.  The leadership says that there is a place for everyone in the church, but that hasn’t been my experience.  I couldn’t be an authentic person with real questions, members just don’t want that in their meetings.  They don’t want probing questions, or truth that is different from the correlated manuals.  And, I didn’t fit in with the ex-mormon crowd either.  It wasn’t my desire to start partying or to try all of the things I had abstained from my whole life.  I really couldn’t seek out new friends or groups where my wife and I were on such different planes.  I had no place, and very few to talk to.

A few people have asked for information, and after much prodding on their part I have pointed them in the right direction.  I don’t wish this on anybody’s relationship, and am not trying to destroy anyone’s truth.  But, the truth is the truth, and I believe that faith must be based solely on the truth.  For me, ignoring the truth in order to maintain a belief that I now knew wasn’t real was willful ignorance.

I’ve been asked if I ever want to believe again, and that is a tough question really.  Sure, I want to believe, but I want that belief to be based on truth.  I use the example of Santa Clause all the time to help explain.  When I was in second grade and found out my parents were Santa Claus, I simply could not believe in Santa Claus after I found out he wasn’t real.  No matter how much better Christmas was with that belief, no matter how much more comforting or magical it was, I just couldn’t do it.  I do think back to my spiritual experiences that I had throughout my life, especially through us losing Dylan at birth and all that followed with the adoption.  I had some of the most special and spiritual moments of my life then.  Moments of hope, comfort, and faith.  However, I no longer attribute those experiences to the supernatural but to the psychological.  Studying the psychology of belief and understanding how the mind works has changed my perspective.

I still have hope, however.  I hope that there is a life after this, a magical place where we can all be together forever after we leave this life.  I hope that families are forever.  I hope that God is real.  I don’t fear God, or that me being where I am at right now is going to result in me being cast away forever.  I think that, if there is a God, he will understand my heart and know of my search and struggle, and we will be able to sort it all out in the end.  If there is a God, I don’t believe that he is the type of person that the LDS church defines.  I see things so differently now that I have stepped out of the box, some things that just seem so painfully obvious to me now.  I don’t believe a God would want unquestionable faith, or to trust in men who say they speak for him but have led so many astray so many times throughout history.  I don’t believe God would put limits in our search for him and knowledge to only “approved sources”.  I don’t believe in a God that is the Master and Creator of all things, that makes all the rules, and yet the only way for you and me to be able to live with him again was to have his most favored child sacrificed.  That just doesn’t make sense to me anymore.  Why can’t God forgive my sins based upon my heart?  Would you or I tell our kids that the only way they can come back to live with us again would be to kill the oldest sibling?  We make the rules, but there just isn’t any other way, sorry kids.  The Pagan aspect of sacrifice and bloodshed in Christianity, in religion in general, just does not make any sense.  I don’t believe in a God that helps spoiled, white kids in Utah find their car keys, but allows children in 3rd World countries to starve, or be sold into sex trafficking and slavery, or be raped, or murdered, despite their prayers and calls to him.  I don’t believe in a God that demands that multi-million dollar temples be built to Him, or even Billions of dollars be used for the City Creek Mall, when so many people in other countries could be helped and saved with that use of funds, just even with bringing clean water to communities throughout the world.  I don’t believe in a God that would base your salvation on following a feeling in your heart and ignoring evidence, facts, and history, especially when those feelings can lead us astray often.  I don’t believe in a God that is all-knowing yet his plan for the salvation for ALL mankind is Mormonism, which makes up less than 0.2% of the world’s population.  I don’t believe in a God that claims that he delights in the chastity of women, yet is OK with rape, incest, and other atrocities written about in the Old Testament, or that sends an angel with a flaming sword to command polygamy/polyandry with Joseph Smith, even with under-age girls.  I don’t believe that doubt is a sin, and that God would want to stifle all critical thinking.  How can we ever become like God if we aren’t allowed to think critically about things.  If there is a God, I believe he is loving and kind to all of his children, black or white, gay or straight, and that he has always been that way.  I don’t believe that dark skin is a result of a curse put upon Cain and his descendants, and that he would restrict critical and crucial blessings of salvation to anyone that was Black up until 1978 when external pressures were being placed on the Church.  God should have been leading the charge on the issue of equal rights, not one of the last to succumb.  I don’t think God would have allowed all of the horrible things that have happened throughout the history of the LDS church if this was His church.  We are told to give Joseph a break, to give other leaders a break.  A break for what?  Do most members even know what we are supposed to give them a break for?  I don’t think that God would deny any of his children a loving and lasting relationship with a partner that they are biologically attracted to, or that he would deny their children those same blessings.  I don’t believe that God would use fear as a method of control, or care if we worshiped him on a weekly basis, or constantly praised him and asked him for help in everything we do.  I don’t believe that God would command all the atrocities that are in the Old Testament, such as killing all men, women and children in a city, or flooding the whole earth, or killing all of the first-born children in Egypt, or commanding men to cut off their foreskin.  That God is as much of a myth and fantasy to me now as Santa Claus is.  If I were to ever believe in God again, that concept would have to be greatly redefined.

So, I have issues.  I have real issues with the Church and its truth claims and with God that I really don’t believe can be resolved in any other way than the way I have resolved them.  At least, not for me if I am being honest with myself and keeping my integrity.  I don’t desire to throw all of my issues at anyone and for them to try and have to answer them.  I don’t desire anyone to take the red pill, unless that is what they want and if they are ready.  My intention is not to try and persuade anyone to look into the issues, but just to help others understand where I am and my journey.  It has been sad, depressing, lonely, and heartbreaking on the one hand, but on the other hand it has been exciting and enlightening.  Once I was able to let go of years of believing one way, I was able to investigate with an open mind many new and exciting things such as evolution, the origins of the human species, science, and the universe.  Many things that I easily off-handedly dismissed because they disagreed with LDS philosophies, even despite huge amounts of evidence to support them, I could now study with an open mind and accept based on facts and evidence.  For example, I can now accept the fact that the earth is BILLIONS of years old, and that dinosaurs did, in fact, live on the earth millions of years ago.  And, I can accept this based upon the facts and evidences that exist to support those theories.  Evidences that have been tried, reproduced, and confirmed by countless others using the scientific method.  And, I don’t have to entertain strange theories of fossils existing on earth because there were dinosaur bones floating around in space prior to God creating the earth 5000 years ago from the unorganized matter (this is how I used to resolve this in my brain before.)

Another surprising side effect of me losing my belief is that my love for my fellow-man actually increased, which at the time I thought was weird.  I didn’t judge anyone anymore for not living the way I was.  I didn’t care if they were smoking, drinking, dressing differently or “immodestly”, or anything else.  I just felt more like we truly are the same, just trying our best to understand this world we live in and do the best we can with where we are at.  I can serve and love my fellow man and be a good neighbor, not with any hidden agenda of trying to attract them to my belief system or the Church, but just because that is what people should do – treat everyone with kindness and love.

One thing I always ask someone is that, if the Church weren’t true, would you want to know?  And then, if you would want to know, HOW would you find out?  Most people always answer the first question as no, and that is that.  I finally answered yes.  For me, the truth is the absolute and must stand, regardless of where that takes me.  For this, everything now must be thoroughly investigated and vetted, sought out and analyzed.  I think it drives my wife crazy now, because even the simplest matters have to be looked at with a critical eye.

Below I will share some quotes that have inspired me throughout the last few years in hopes that it helps you see where my heart is still and who I am.  I am still the same man with every bit of integrity that I was when I was a believer.  I still believe in truth, honesty, integrity, morality, unconditional love, and in finding the good in everyone.


“If you don’t walk as most people do, Some people walk away from you, But I won’t, I won’t.

If you don’t talk as most people do, Some people talk and laugh at you, But I won’t, I won’t.

I’ll walk with you, I’ll talk with you, That’s how I’ll show my love for you.” 

I’ll Walk With You, LDS Children’s Songbook


“…The greatest enemy of truth is man’s tenacity in clinging to unjustified beliefs. You must always be ready to re-interpret your concepts when they fail to pass the test of new found facts.” Hugh B. Brown, LDS Apostle


If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed….the Church stands or falls with Joseph Smith. Mormonism, as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith.  He was either a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned, or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has even seen. There is no middle ground.” Joseph Fielding Smith (10th prophet)


“If faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak.” -George A. Smith, 1871, Journal of Discourses, Vol 14, pg 216.


“If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.” -J. Reuben Clark, Brigham Young University Press, 1983,… p. 24.


Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the attendant of truth. Doubt is the key to the door of knowledge; it is the servant of discovery. A belief which may not be questioned binds us to error, for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief.

Doubt is the touchstone of truth; it is an acid which eats away the false. Let no one fear for the truth, that doubt may consume it; for doubt is a testing of belief. The truth stands boldly and unafraid; it is not shaken by the testing; For truth, if it be truth, arises from each testing stronger, more secure.

Those that would silence doubt are full of fear; their houses are built on shifting sands. But those who fear not doubt, and know its use; are founded on rock. They shall walk in the light of growing knowledge; the work of their hands shall endure. Therefore let us not fear doubt, but let us rejoice in its help: It is to the wise as a staff to the blind; doubt is the attendant of truth.” Minister Robert Weston


“When I became convinced that the universe is natural – that all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell, the dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf or a slave. There was for me no master in all the world – not even in infinite space. I was free – free to think, to express my thoughts – free to live to my own ideal – free to live for myself and those I loved – free to use all my faculties, all my senses, free to spread imagination’s wings – free to investigate, to guess and dream and hope – free to judge and determine for myself – free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the “inspired” books that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of the past – free from popes and priests – free from all the “called” and “set apart” – free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies – free from the fear of eternal pain – free from the winged monsters of the night – free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free. There were no prohibited places in all the realms of thought – no air, no space, where fancy could not spread her painted wings – no chains for my limbs – no lashes for my back – no fires for my flesh – no master’s frown or threat – no following another’s steps – no need to bow, or cringe, or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free. I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.” Robert G. Ingersoll


We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.” – Carl Sagan


Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


“If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” — Albert Einstein


“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”-Aldous Huxley


“I contend that we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do.” – Stephen F. Roberts


“Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship. When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”  Robert A. Heinlein


“I believe that members and investigators deserve all of the information on the table to be able to make a fully informed and balanced decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income, and lives to Mormonism. Anything less than full and complete transparency is immoral and unethical.” – Jeremy Runnells


“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson


In 2011 I began an intense investigation of the truth claims of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church) which led me to investigate even further the truth claims of Christianity, the history of God, the Psychology of Belief, and Science.  I was 38 years old at the time, and had lived my whole life up to that point believing 100% what I had been taught all my life.  I was born into the church, served a mission, married my high school sweetheart in the temple, and served in various different callings and positions throughout my adult life, including – Elders Quorum President (2x), counselor, secretary, Young Men’s President, Ward Mission Leader, Scouting, and lastly Executive Secretary to the Bishop.

I struggled with the information I was finding.  It was an internal battle.  It was sad and depressing.  There was so much information that was just contradictory to what I had thought I had known, what I had believed.  What was so damaging is the fact that this information wasn’t from invalid or unverifiable sources.  It wasn’t lies, or things that had been exaggerated or invented.  It wasn’t anti-mormon rhetoric.  My whole world came crashing in on me.  Finally, after months of internal struggle, I admitted to myself that, for me, the truth claims of the church in relation to the actual history of the church were not reconcilable.  As hard as that was, and as sad as that was, it just isn’t.  I had come to believe that the church is not the true church.

As part of my process in all of this I started to compile a bullet point list, basically, of the issues I have with the truth claims of the church and with what I was finding.  For the most part the list doesn’t include references, just the topics.  Most of the information with references to the sources can be found on or on through their recently published essays. also is an invaluable resource full of great podcasts about various topics of interest regarding mormonisms truth claims with interviews with scholars, psychologists, apologists, authors, teachers, etc. along with resources to help one navigate a crisis of faith.  While most of my issues I list below have been addressed by apologists of the church, the explanations and answers that are provided fall flat, to me, and are simply justifications or spin of the issues and unsatisfactory answers.  Again, that is my opinion.

Below are my issues in no particular order:

Joseph Smith

  • He was a Treasure Seeker – used Peep Stones to find treasure for profit – same peep stones to translate the BOM
  • He had a strong belief in the supernatural, i.e. peep stones, divining rods, magic, the occult, etc., that strongly influenced his life and theology
  • Smith Family involved in magic, treasure seeking, etc.
  • Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, etc, all believed the same
  • Most historians, Mormon and non, accept the fact that JS was the village “magician”.
  • JS found a peep stone in a well, which led to another peep stone, and then another. These are rocks that “illuminate” when in the dark.  Sometimes holes are drilled into them to look through, and you stare into it until you see visions.  He said everyone has a peep stone, you just have to find it.
  • Involved with and lied about Polygamy/Polyandry (Huge issue, just in and of itself)
  • Lying/Manipulative – often lied to Emma and others to cover up different things and deceive and get his way.
  • Kirkland Bank – Deception with the bank, faked that they had gold and land to support it, and that he had received revelation to support it and its success to assure investors. Many lost a lot of money, which led to great apostasy (amongst other things) in Kirkland.
  • The D&C revelations he received for others often seem self-serving, manipulative of others, and full of fear mongering.
  • Had an extremely vivid imagination
  • Retrofitted revelations, changed original revelations published in Book of Commandments, sometimes even reversing them, to fit his progressing and changing theology.
  • Changing doctrine of the God-Head. At first believed in 1 God (even after 1st Vision) then changed to believe in 3 distinct beings, and changed BOM and other revelations to support there being 3 instead of 1.  If he saw both God and Jesus in first vision, why would he teach and believe that God and Jesus were 1 instead of separate individuals?
  • Arrested many times for “glass looking” and “money digging”. Brought to trial and even convicted in 1826 for the activity (6 years after first vision).
  • Several charges for inappropriate behavior with women.


  • JS was married to at least 34 women (proven), up to 80+ suspected
    • 11 of them were married to other living men (polyandry). Some husbands faithful members and away on missions when wives married JS.
    • 7 were teenage girls
  • Nauvoo Expositor- Truths about polygamy and the propositioning of women and girls by JS and others exposed by the Laws (faithful members upset because JS propositioned the wife) in the expositor led to destruction of the printing press, the owner’s barn, and ultimately JS murder. First hand accounts of what is happening in Nauvoo with Polygamy
  • Marriage propositions included promises of eternal life, and that the family’s salvation or even Joseph’s salvation depended on it. Used coercion and promises of eternal life for the woman/girl and their family if obliged.
  • JS and early church leaders practiced in secret. JS denied practicing it up until the day he died, sometimes telling bold lies in public conference or meetings denying it.
  • Practiced either behind the back of, or secretly from Emma.
  • Coercion by threats of death by an angel, or loss of salvation to anyone that knew about it and didn’t go along with it or that threatened to expose it.
  • D&C 132 – Disagrees with other revelation previously in the D&C that prohibited polygamy and was later removed from the D&C. In fact, D&C 132 doesn’t even agree with how polygamy was being practiced by JS or others even.
  • Threatening to Emma – If she didn’t accept it, the Lord would destroy her (D&C 132)
  • Practiced contrary to repeated public denials
  • Practiced differently than the “revelation” he had written
  • Practiced even before the “revelation” was given. Revelation on Polygamy came later, after already being practiced by JS.
  • Fanny Alger/JS caught in the act by Emma, Oliver Cowdery said it was a filthy, nasty affair
  • Honesty?
  • JS claims an angel with a flaming sword commanded him to practice it, yet the angel wasn’t specific on how to practice it? Just go marry anyone you can?  Why don’t angels with flaming swords come to make sure other prophets are practicing other commandments from God?  The Lord delights in the chastity of women?
  • Taught it was required for exaltation, then after declaration taught that it wasn’t, and you would be excommunicated if you did. One day good, next day bad.
  • Practiced even after it was declared not to by church leaders in Manifesto.
  • Still practiced today via temples, and believed to be an “eternal” principle practiced in heaven
  • essay admits or touches on many of these things. Good progress, considering the church has excommunicated or disciplined many scholars in the past for exposing these things.

Book of Mormon

  • Lehi’s Dream – Lucy Smith’s journal tells of Joseph Sr. sharing this dream with the family when JS was a child. Also is JS Senior’s journal.
  • Bible in BOM (The original BOM text has the same errors as 1769 KJV edition that was prevalent in JS day)
  • Anachronisms (Domesticated animals, wheat, silk, steel, wheels and chariots, glass, etc) items that didn’t exist during the time of the BOM people
  • DNA evidence does not support
  • Nephi quoting and reading Isaiah from the Brass Plates when some parts of Isaiah not even written yet.
  • Scientific community does not support it as a historical document, at all.
  • Archaeological Evidence does not support – See Michael Coe Podcast
  • Lack of linguistic support/evidence
  • Huge populations sited in BOM not supported by any kind of realistic population growth rate.
  • No Christian New World societies
  • Hill Cumorah Battle – Where is the evidence of the tens of 1000’s of people slain? Swords?  Bones?  Breastplates?  Any evidence of a great battle there?
  • Geography and Names – Same as surrounding area during JS times (or similar) see Holley’s Map
  • Similarities/parallels with other books and articles of those times (View of the Hebrews, The Late War, Spaulding, Etc) See BH Roberts Studies of the BOM, written by himself, a general authority at the time, to the brethren to find answers to these problematic parallels and similarities.  The response, nothing.
  • Changes to the BOM over time, not just punctuation changes but doctrinal.
  • Racism in BOM consistent with views of JS day.
  • Doctrine of BOM – Fulness of the Gospel? There are really no new doctrines in the BOM that distinguish us from any other Christian group.  All doctrine exclusive to the LDS comes later in the D&C as JS develops his theology.
  • Sources for the BOM are questionable. Can be shown to have come from several sources available to him during his day and age.
  • Historicity- No historical evidence that supports it.
  • Errors – If this is translated as we were taught, that JS said the word or sentence and the scribe then repeated it back and wrote it down to ensure that no errors were made, there shouldn’t be any errors. Grammatical or doctrinal.  Especially if it was translated with a stone in a hat where everything was just revealed to him instead of actually translating from plates.
  • The passages in the BOM that are the same as the KJV of the bible are not consistent with the JS translation of the Bible of the same verses. If JS produced a translated bible to correct errors to it, shouldn’t the original translation of the BOM have agreed with his translated bible?
  • Ammon cutting off arms of attackers – not plausible or feasible.
  • Lehi and family supposedly practicing the law of Moses. No references to Passover, feast of tabernacles, sabbatical years, jubilees, thank offerings, unleavened bread, purification, circumcision, unclean animals, etc.
  • Lehi leaving Jerusalem to get to Red Sea in 3 days – 170 miles on foot over rugged terrain with their possessions? 60 miles a day?
  • Jaredite “submarines”
  • Over 300 quotes in the BOM that came from Prophets and apostles who lived after 600 BC. How did Lehi/Nephi/BOM prophets know about them?
  • Even without DNA, there is substantial evidence that the American Indians are not of Hebrew decent – language, skeletal structure, customs, stone-age technology, etc.
  • Limited Geography theory by apologists flies in the face of early Prophets/apostles and the BOM itself – 2 Nephi 1:8
  • Parallels with other Bible stories (Alma the Younger and Paul)

BOM Translation/Golden Plates

  • Translated by Seer Stone Placed in a Hat. Why did God go through all the trouble of having the plates written and preserved, only for them to not be used in the “translation”?
  • Plates not even present in most cases during the translation
  • Fear Mongering again – If Emma even tried to look at them she will be struck dead.
  • JS Running with the Plates and fighting off men?  This story is not logical or feasible.
  • The Time for Translation and Sources used is contradictory
  • JS tried to sell the copyright upon completion, saying it was revealed to him through the peep stone to do so. Then when they traveled to Canada to sell the copyright, as revealed through JS, they could not sell it and came back empty handed.  JS then said some revelations are from God and some are from the Devil to cover up his false revelation.
  • Witnesses Testimony is questionable. Martin Harris stated, during the Kirkland apostasy and crisis, that he and the others only saw the plates with their “spiritual eyes.”
  • Early accounts from JS state he was led to the plates by the Seer Stone, not Moroni.
  • Possible valid sources for the creation of the BOM – View of the Hebrews, The Late War, Book of Napoleon, the Golden Pot, New Testament (with the same errors as the current version of his day), Methodist Theology, local culture and experiences, George Washington stories and news reports, automatic writing, etc.
  • The Gold plates are magically taken back to heaven after translation but other physical evidence such as the mummies that came with the BoA papyrus are allowed to be turned into a sideshow where Emma charged 25 cents to see them.
  • Early accounts published state that the Angel “Nephi” not “Moroni” came to Joseph
    • JS was even editor or the publication
  • Originally, JS said the plates were to be translated by his first born son when he would be only 3 years old.
  • Anthon Transcipt problems
    • Anthon repeatedly denied and stated he did not verify characters ever. Even published it in a paper to defend his name. (New York Observer)
    • Prophesy of Isaiah used by JS to convince MH taken out of context (Isaiah is symbolic of the people of Jerusalem becoming as a sealed book).
    • When writing the BOM, changed the wording of the verse in the BOM to better fit the circumstances to prove to Harris he fulfilled prophesy. The original verse, as shown in Dead Sea Scrolls, does not foretell the BOM as JS purports.
    • Anthon could not have pronounced any translation as correct
    • Characters examined today are viewed by scholars as gibberish
    • Deformed English theory accounts for 67% of the “Caractors” document
    • “Caractors” document also strongly related to secret or magical alphabets of the occult in those days.

Book of Abraham

  • Traveling salesman came into town displaying Egyptian mummies. JS examines the mummies and coincidentally finds that the scrolls contained with the mummy contain the writings of Father Abraham!
  • Egyptologists have examined and translated the original papyrus and found it to be common funerary text.
  • All non-LDS Egyptologists agree it is not a translation of the record and is fabricated. They strongly dis-agree with the LDS Apologists reasoning for the Book of Abraham and translation.
  • Not from Abraham, not even from that time frame
  • Non-LDS apologists examined all the “translated” alphabet from the papyrus that JS did and agree it is made up and gibberish
  • BOA has a Newtonian View of Universe (Popular in JS day)
  • 86% is from KJV Genesis
  • Anachronisms exist in the text, such as Abraham’s age (if indeed Abraham even existed at all), the mention of Chaldeans, use of the word Pharoah, Potiphar, depiction of human sacrifice as an Egyptian ritual, etc.
  • Sun gets light from Kolob, etc.
  • With new scriptures released in 2012, the BOA header was changed from “A translation” to an “inspired” translation. Covering their tracks for the fact that it’s not a direct translation but a means for inspiration like the apologists argue.  The BOA header states that it was written by Abraham’s “own hand upon papyrus”.
  • JS used to charge others to come and see the papyri on display. They would also publish their current translations of the text in the subscription newspaper at the time for monetary gain.
  • JS claimed the papyri were written by the hands of the greatest patriarchs of the world’s three biggest religions, making them by far the oldest (and only) first hand accounts of such documents, and easily would make them the most valuable writings on Earth. If the church really believed the Papyrus were what JS claimed, they would treat them as the world’s greatest holy relics, and the rest of the world would accept them and hold them just as valuable. Abraham is the father of many religions! Instead, they never talk about them and pretend they don’t exist.
  • BOA introduced the first and only scriptural basis for denying blacks the priesthood.
  • “Firmament” was a thing around the earth that held stuff in the sky, like a canvas. No such thing, and from the Hebrew map of the universe.
  • essay admits it is not a translation of the papyrus.

1st Vision Accounts

  • At Least 4 Versions, each different
  • No record of any versions until 12 years after it occurred
  • Each account builds upon the other
  • 1st account JS sees Jesus, then Angels, then Angelic Beings, then Father and Son
  • Not seeing Father and Son until the 4th account
  • Church Members not even aware of 1st Vision until 22 Years Later!
  • Final version occurred during the greatest time of need in the church for JS to prove authority. Many were leaving due to other events (polygamy, Martin Harris stating he only saw plates with spiritual eyes, etc).
  • Again, if JS had seen the Father and the Son as 2 distinct beings, his early theology would have indicated this – which it doesn’t.  Only later are the references in the BOM and D&C changed to indicate 2 separate beings.

Kinderhook Plates

  • Plates brought to Joseph by locals to translate, he said they were authentic and that he could translate them, and they later proved to be fabricated
  • Joseph began translation, said they were from a descendant of Ham, through Pharaoh.
  • Published in paper the copies of the plates and his translations
  • Encouraged people to subscribe to paper to keep up with the coming translations
  • Church defended them until 1980, when they were proven to be a hoax and fraudulent


  • Nobody had heard about the restoration of Aaronic Priesthood until 5 years after the fact.
  • Various versions of authority received for baptism and how.
  • D&C revelations changed after 1835 to include appearances of Peter, James, John, and John the Baptist. Again at the critical time in church history when everything was crumbling around JS and he needed to prove authority.
  • Restoration of Aaronic/Melchezedik Priesthood not recorded in the Book of Commandments. More than 400 words added to original revelation on priesthood.
  • Women used to give blessings by the laying on of hands. Church stopped it after JS death.  Why was it allowed then and not now?

Testimony of 3 Witnesses

  • Common beliefs – Magical Worldview – Folk Magic, divining rods, visions, peep stones, treasure hunting, etc
  • Journal and other accounts of witnesses stating they saw them with “spriritual” eyes, not as we see
  • The 3 Witnesses testimony was a prepared statement for them to sign. Not their own words.  Apprehension at first to sign it.
  • The 8 Witness testimony was a prepared statement that was already signed for them Original Signed document – All names signed by the same person – handwriting the same
  • Great downfall in church when at a meeting discussing JS and the BOM and other truth claims Martin Harris declared that he never physically saw the plates, but saw them with his spiritual eyes. He declared none of the witnesses physically saw them.  Many left the church, including members of the first presidency.
  • Strang professed to be successor after JS death, produced a book from metal plates, had 11 Witnesses that never denied their testimonies, and followed by 3 Whitmers, Martin Harris, Hiram Page, William Smith, and Lucy Smith (from 1846-47)


  • Copied from Masonry
  • Mason ceremony developed in 13th to 17th Centuries, Not the Old Testament or Solomon’s Temple times
  • The Masonry practiced in Nauvoo cannot be traced back past the 18th century
  • Temple Ceremony Changes – penalties removed over time (such as covenanting that you would suffer death if you told of the temple), pantomiming the cutting of throats or disemboweling of organs if you told off the temple secrets barely removed in 1990, masonic elements slowly removed, pastor no longer with Satan, etc.
  • Contradictory teachings to what is taught in church (rituals, recited prayers, God not knowing at all times what we are doing, angles without bodies cannot shake hands)
  • Secrecy/Sacred – Go to temple for first time totally unprepared for what is there, tremendous pressure to believe and follow through with it.
  • Milk before Meat theory
  • There were penalties/death oaths associated with the names and tokens received prior to 1990.
  • Fear Mongering/Control
  • Need for masonic symbols, handshakes, tokens to enter into God’s presence? Seems very ritualistic. Why are we required to have secret tokens and signs to get into heaven when anyone can pilfer them off the internet? Surely God could have figured out a way that accounted for the information age.
  • Nauvoo Temple built with a floor for dancing, and that is how they glorified God by “dancing” through the night. Very Protestant.
  • Continued changes to the ceremony and particularly the initiatory even recently.  Why is the ceremony that was revealed by God being changed?
  • Many changes to the ceremony since it was “revealed”. Why changes if it was originally revealed by God?


  • The church’s teachings of Blacks and their origin stem from racism
  • BOM teaches that dark skin is a curse from God, and that the righteous are “white and delightsome”
  • Priesthood ban – lifted during a time that the church was facing the threat of losing its tax-free status, Stanford and other universities threatening to boycott BYU athletics, and the civil rights trends against racism. Christ’s true church should have been leading this charge, not conforming to it.
  • Spencer W Kimball stated that “The day of the Lamanites in nigh. For years they have been growing delightsome… The children in the home placement program in Utah are often lighter than their brothers and sisters in the homes on the reservation…There was the doctor in a Utah city who for two years had had an Indian boy in his home who stated that he was some shades lighter than the younger brother just coming into the program from the reservation. These young members of the Church are changing to whiteness and to delightsomeness.”
  • First Blacks get priesthood, then they are denied. Church teaches that blacks were less valiant people in pre-existence, that’s why they were punished. – Church now disavows this, but letter from First Presidency in 60s to bishoprics says this. (I looked it up and found it – original) They claim all racism started with BY and they “don’t know why” – JS has MANY quotes supporting slavery (just look online) – Church is pretending JS was not racist, when his quotes, and publications are obviously racist (as was everyone back then) – Back then it wasn’t called racism. LDS Church now “disavows” all these teachings. Shouldn’t God have revealed to his prophets that racism is wrong?  Are we to believe that this is really how God felt?  And if so, why did he change his mind if doctrine is unchanging and the same forever?
  • Blacks were sealed as eternal servants, not Kings and Queens.
  • Inter-Racial marriage policies – Reflect the current stance of SSM. “Mixing Seed” with black people = death and will “always be so” / Moses 7:22
  • Cain = Bigfoot
  • Brigham Young was extremely racist

Joseph Smith “Translation” of the Bible

  • Why don’t we use or have the complete translation? It was completed prior to JS death
  • Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the translations of the New Testament and disprove the JS translations of the Bible
  • BOM translations different that the JS translations of the same New Testament verses.

Celestial Kingdom Doctrine

  • Emannuel Swedenborg wrote “Heaven and Hell” in 18th century (before JS, and well known) and taught:
    • 3 degrees of heaven, celestial being the highest.
    • 3 levels within the celestial glory, highest for marriage for eternity.
    • Witnessed a marriage in heaven and the husband was wearing the priesthood robes of Aaron.
    • Must be married to enter highest kingdom
    • Spirit world
    • Likens the 3 kingdoms to the Sun, moon, and stars
    • God was once man

Changing Doctrine and Issues Since Joseph Smith

  • Adam/God Theory – Brigham Young taught that God is Adam that was on this Earth, and that this was revealed to him by the Lord.
  • Blood Atonement (BY). Some sins are so bad that the atonement doesn’t apply, only the spilling of their blood.
  • Inter-Racial marriage an extreme sin (BY)
  • Murder of unfaithful spouse justified (BY)
  • Inhabitants on the Moon and Sun (BY)
  • Rocks decay, Gold and Silver Grow the same as hair (BY)
  • Curse of Cain passed on through Ham’s wife so devil should have a representation on the earth (John Taylor)
  • 1898 Wilford Woodruff prophesied that many in the congregation would stand in the flesh when Jesus Christ visits the Zion of God.
  • 1888 Wilford Woodruff also stated at the Manti Temple dedication that “We will not end the practice of plural marriage until the second coming”
  • Mountain Meadows Massacre
  • Doctrine of Tithing – used to be tithed on surplus only, still in the revelation that way. Changed over time to be based on all income.  Vague as to whether gross or net. Salvation held hostage by tithing and paying to church.
  • Hofmann Forgeries
  • Bruce R McKonkie and Mormon Doctrine. Church won’t publish it or stand by it now.
  • Other predictions not being realized or coming true
  • Men can become like God. Hinckley stated he doesn’t know that we teach it, or emphasize it. Church Essay states that no we don’t really teach or believe that, or get our own planets
  • Word of Wisdom copied from the temperance movements during Smith’s day.
  • Word of Wisdom and cultural changes since “revelation”
    • Revelation States it’s not a commandment
    • Wine Ok if it is home-made
    • Mild Barley Drinks OK (Beer)
      • Several accounts of JS drinking Beer after the revelation
      • Brigham Young built a distillery in Utah and sold Beer and Alcohol
    • Hot Drinks vague, and caused problems in the beginning with illnesses and disease which would have been prevented by boiling their water
    • Eat meats sparingly
    • Church body picks and chooses which part of the WoW they want to observe.

Problems with Current Church

  • Billion Dollar Mall (City Creek)
  • Lying for the Lord
  • Church’s involvement in Prop 8 – See Documentary “8 – The Mormon Proposition”
  • Stance on Same Sex Marriage and Gays
  • “November Policy” that kids of LGBT parents in a relationship cannot be baptized until adults and then must denounce their parents to do so.
  • Fear Mongering
  • Threatened with excommunication if speaking about the actual truths of the church history and not agreeing with the Church’s version of history.
  • Church not being Honest and Open about History and Issues
  • Indoctrination (Starts in Nursery)
  • Financial Transparency, or lack of
  • Controlling
  • Time Commitment to be a “faithful” member.
  • Too much concentration on the “Church” as the source of our salvation, not Christ
  • Does not bring unity to families of mixed faiths
  • Mormon Culture not consistent with teachings and doctrine
  • You can pray for answers, but make sure the answers are consistent with our teachings or you didn’t get the right answer.
  • Bishops are expected to give so much of time, and expected to be spiritual, marriage, temporal, psychological, financial counselors to everyone with little or no qualifications.
  • Heartsell – Bonneville Communications basically copyrighted the way it gets people to “feel the spirit” about their products and published on their website how they do it.
  • Mormon myths and legends vs Fact and Truth.
  • Revelations for our day and problems we face? Where are they?  Where have they been?
  • Pretty generic in any mention of revelation or prediction, if any mention at all.
  • Prophets can’t lead you astray, because they told you that they can’t.
  • Correlation of the Church – Control of information

– Don’t address or give any information on website for anything earlier than 1970, unless it was quoted by someone later than 1970.

– Had to develop a way to correlate information, even when there is countering doctrine having been taught for years from the prophets and apostles (I.e. Orson Pratt and Brigham Young, Adam-God, Polygamy, etc).  Had to be selective of which doctrine they would hold true, either ignore one and hold the other, or address both and add to confusion.

– Huge problem of cover-ups, and distrust after correlation.  Selective information only released, while problematic information not taught or addressed (polygamy for example in the JS or BY Manuals for Priesthood/RS, or BOM translation not addressed, etc.)

– 19th century Mormonism completely different than 21st century Mormonism.  Pretty much irreconcilable.

  • LDS Youth teachings continually objectify women. Teaches youth if you dress “immodestly” you are immoral. Teaches that outside represents inside. EXACT opposite teaching of Christ
  • Fruits of Mormonism When Mormons do good, it is proof church and religion is good. When Mormons do bad, “Oh they were acting as a man, or on their own. We aren’t all like that.”
  • The “anti-masturbation” pamphlet they STILL give out today teaches that someone who is gay needs to be taught a lesson, “somebody had to do it” (references to physically assaulting a gay missionary companion). Also teaches that certain kinds of horseplay will turn you gay, as well as masturbation. Also teaches that gay people chose to be gay because they are under the influence of evil.
  • Hinckley interviews on TV and contradicting doctrine or being dishonest.


  • Just Believe, don’t question
  • Gain a testimony by bearing it. If you say something enough you start to believe it.
  • Based on feelings you have, not truth and logic. Ignore everything else but feelings.
  • Faith in spite of Science, Facts, and History
  • Tremendous pressure to believe
  • Psychology of Belief
  • Don’t Doubt. Doubt is sin

Science Vs Religion

  • Evidences for Dinosaurs, age of the earth, evolution, etc.
  • Noah’s Ark
  • Jonah and the Whale
  • Jaredites
  • Tower of Babel
  • Adam and Eve as first humans
  • Darkness or stopping the sun
  • No Death before the fall
  • Age of the Earth
  • The Exodus
  • Long life spans
  • Stars borrowing light from greater stars

Mark Hofmann Forgeries

  • In April, 1980, Mark Hofmann started finding old Mormon documents. At first the documents confirmed LDS history, but soon his “finds” were making Joseph Smith appear to be a fraud and occultist. Hofmann was selling the most embarrassing documents directly (face-to-face) to President Gordon B. Hinckley; then acting President of the Church (all other members of the First Presidency were ill).
  • Hinckley paid Mark Hofmann hundreds of thousands of dollars directly to Hofmann, then hid the documents in the First Presidency’s Vault; only admitting (sometimes) that the Church had the document after it was “leaked” to the Media. After Hinckley would buy a document (one of Hofmann’s forgeries which made Joseph Smith or Brigham Young look bad), Hinckley would file the document in the First Presidency’s Vault. Hofmann then “leaked” photocopies of the documents to the Press, and blamed Church archivists for the leaks. Incredible as it now seems, Hinckley believed Hofmann! At that time only one Mormon (Darrick Evenson) came forward to proclaim Mark Hofmann a “fraud” and his documents “forgeries”. Evenson was dismissed as a “conspiracy nut”; his letters to President Hinckley intercepted and filed-away by LDS Church Security.
  • In 1987 Hofmann confessed to forging hundreds of documents and to murdering two innocent people as a way to cover it up and lead police away from him. When it was all over the New York Times reported that “the Church routinely acquires and suppresses history documents in order to deceive its members and the public.” (Feb. 11, 1987). The story is told in The Mormon Murders and A Gathering of Saints; both books still in most U.S. libraries.

God, Christ – Inconsistencies and Illogical Fallacies

  • Answer Prayers to help find wallet, won’t answer millions of starving people in other countries, or prevent selling innocent children into human trafficking or sex slavery?
  • Conflicting evidence everywhere
  • Conflicting doctrines and teachings
  • Delivering messages through men who contradict themselves and each other (within the Church and other religions too)
  • Guessing game between speaking as man or speaking as prophets
  • Rely on feelings, when feelings can vary between divine revelation and personal feelings
  • Faith – Believe on things we cannot see, but only if it agrees with our belief.
  • Evidences for creation vs evolution
  • Other people in other religions “feel” the same feelings of truth in their religions as the LDS do, and just as strongly that they are correct.
  • the “God” caveat Always – God can do anything. Also, Got what you want, God answered prayer.  Didn’t get what you want, God answered prayer, just differently than you wanted.  Didn’t get what you wanted, God is testing you.  Etc, Etc.
  • Free Agency? Where?  Choose wisely or be damned for eternity.  No biggie.
  • Old Testament God Vs New Testament God. Totally different attitude and character.
  • Origins of Christianity. Parallels with Paganism.
  • Development of New Testament
  • History of the New Testament and Christ
  • History and origins of the Devil
  • If I am capable of forgiving my children just about any offense without demanding the gruesome death of the most obedient one…even if they are not repentant at all…why is not the most loving being in the universe capable of the same?
  • If Satan is so smart, why can’t he figure out that he would totally win (frustrate God’s plan of happiness) if he just refuses to play his role. Without temptation, there would be no test for us, and, consequently, no growth.
  • Why is it suggested that when we die we will automatically understand feelings like hating polygamy because we are just human and those are human emotions, and yet God says numerous times that he’s a “jealous” god and doesn’t want us to have any other god’s before him. So, isn’t jealousy a human emotion? And if it is a human emotion why is OK for God to have human emotions but the rest of us will just “understand” them after we die?
  • God can create a body for Adam and Eve from nothing, but yet for Christ he has to sleep with Mary to create his body?
  • So many harmful, evil, hurtful, and malicious atrocities committed throughout history in the name of religion and Christianity.
  • Etc, etc.

Old Testament

  • Creation of the earth, Adam and Eve as first humans, etc. scientifically disproven. Archeological evidence of intelligent, religious and artistic people living at least 25,000 years ago.   DNA and population mapping of the human race indicate at least 150,000 years of human presence on earth. Anthropologists have geographically traced human ancestry to Africa.
  • No historical evidence or proof of Moses and the Exodus. No record in the Egyptian records either of the Exodus and the plagues or death of so many 1st  No record of the destruction.  Remember, this was to Pharoah, the king at the time, and the Egyptians kept great records.
  • No geological evidence of the Flood or Noah. The story or Noah’s ark is improbable.  Just the amount of water alone it would take to flood the whole earth is impossible with the water we have on the earth (inside and out)
  • Evidence that Abraham existed is sketchy
  • God in the Old Testament = Mean, hateful, jealous, etc.
    • 4 Kings 2:23-24 – God sends bears to kill 42 children that are mocking Eliseus for being bald.
    • Genesis 19:26 – After killing all the men, women and children in Sodom and Gomorrah, God turns Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt for looking back as they left
    • Leviticus 21:17-24 – Basically God hates handicap people.
    • Exodus 4:24-26 – God is stopped from killing Moses because his wife cuts off their son’s foreskin and touches Moses’ feet with it.
    • Throughout Old Testament – God commits genocide a lot, murdering thousands of people he is upset with, such as drowning everyone, helping and commanding his people to kill everyone in Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan, Egypt, the Canaanites, the Amalekites, etc. Men, women, and children, and sometimes even the animals.
    • Telling Abraham to kill Isaac as a test of faith.
    • Genesis 38: 1-10 – God kills Onan because he’s upset that Onan didn’t procreate with his dead brother’s wife.
    • Numbers 16: 1-49 – God kills 14,700 people for complaining about God killing them.
    • Job – Takes all he has from Job, family, properity, etc, as a test and inflicts him with all kinds of diseases. After Job passes the test he gets a new family and everything.  Really?  Kill my family as a test and then give me a different one?  What about the one I had and loved?
  • Other violence in the Old Testament apparently sanctioned by God
    • Stoning, slavery, women inequality, executions, discrimination, rape, incest
    • Genesis 19 – Angels came to Sodom and were with Lot. Men came and wanted the angels to have sex with them.  Lot would not permit it, but sent out his virgin daughters for the men to do with as they pleased.

New Testament

  • Historicity – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the only eye witness accounts of Jesus in the New Testament, were written well after Christ lived (starting at about 100 years), and were not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. The sources are anonymous.
  • Development of Christianity and a following of Jesus happened slowly through time well after Christ after the writings telling of Jesus began to circulate.
  • The 4 Gospels are often contradictory
    • Only Matthew and Luke speak of Virgin Birth
    • Joseph’s Genealogy
    • Place of Jesus’ birth
    • The Date of His birth
    • Prophecies in Matthew referred to of Jesus’ birth are not really referring to Jesus in their original context
    • Last supper and when it took place
    • How Judas died
  • Why didn’t John the Baptist become a follower of Jesus?
  • The gospels were written one after the other, and seem to build on each other for credulity and trying to out-do each other
  • Christianity forced upon the people by the Roman Government as a way to regulate the masses.
  • No historical evidence of Jesus
  • Stories of Jesus contain many parallels to other religious figures and stories prior to that time, such as the Virgin Birth, born on Dec. 25th or the Winter Solstice, Crucifixion and then resurrected 3 days later, etc.
    • Religious figures with similarities – Horus, Buddha, Mithra, Krishna, Osiris, Odysseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Heracles, Glycon, Etc.
  • While Christ’s teachings are good in the New Testament, there still exists things like discrimination, persecution, women inequality, fear mongering, genocide, etc.
  • New Testament compiled hundreds of years later based upon a council (Council of Nicaea) that decided which, of all the writings of the time, would be included and which would be thrown out to create one religion, out of the several being practiced at the time, to be observed by all. Several Christian gospels not included, such as the Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary, other Gospels telling of Christ’s childhood, etc.

Psychology of Belief

  • Mormonism is based on extreme Mind Control. Destructive mind control is a social process that encourages obedience, dependence, and conformity, while suppressing autonomy and independence.  It displaces a person’s authentic identity and replaces it with an alternate identity.
  • Destructive Mind Control: Fostering a new identity, Threatening prophecies, secret meetings, exclusivity, shrines reserved for the elite, deception, manipulation and psychological blackmail, dependency, incentives to spend more time with the group, confessions and privacy infringement, extraction of as much money as possible, hyper-vigilance, the demand for purity. All relate to Mormonism.
  • Other destructive Mind Control tactics: Doctrine over person, loading the language, group pressures, obedience to authority, information censorship, controlling a person’s spiritual life, gaining control over a person’s thinking, creating fear in members (defectors are shunned), providing models that demonstrate “correct” behavior, closed system of logic, major time commitments, intense indoctrination in the teen years, etc.
  • Cognitive Human Biases –
    • Groupthink Bias – tendency to lend credence to the predominant opinion held by the group
    • Authority Bias – tendency to place credence in those in positions of authority.
    • Saying is Believing Bias – As you pronounce your belief or opinion, you become less likely to find fault with or change your position.
    • Confirmation Bias – The tendency to retain the initial idea or method and reject subsequent ideas or methods.
    • Commitment Bias – Humans tend to hold dear that in which they have made heavy investments.
    • Dominant Thought Bias –Humans tend to evolve into that which they think about the most.
    • Reciprocity Bias – The human tendency to feel indebted when given a gift.
  • Fowler’s Stages of Faith
  • Memory is construed and even built around cognitive biases. The memory may not be accurate based on the bias you hold.
  • The Brain and how it works – we form our beliefs for a variety of subjective, personal, emotional, and psychological reasons in the context of environments created by family, friends, colleagues, culture, and society. After forming them we then defend, justify, and rationalize them with intellectual reasons, cogent arguements, and rational explanations.  Beliefs come first, explanations follow.
  • Critical Thinking – Totally discouraged in Mormonism. Critical Thinking is the process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.  It is based on clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.  6 Critical Questions:
    • Who said it? – Someone you know? Someone famous? Someone in authority? Should it matter who said it?
    • What did they say? – Did they give facts or opinions? Did they give all the facts? Did they leave something out?
    • Where did they say it? Was it in public or private? Did other people have a chance to talk about the other side?
    • When did they say it? Before, after, or during an important event?
    • Why did they say it? Did they explain their opinions? Were they trying to make someone look good or bad?
    • How did they say it? Were they happy, sad, angry, or didn’t care? Did they write it or speak it? Could you understand it?
  • Recognizing Logical Fallacies – A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Strong arguments are void of logical fallacies, while weak ones tend to use them to appear stronger.  Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they’re often very sneakily used by politicians, the media, apologists, etc. to fool people.  They include: Strawman, Slippery Slope, False Cause, Special Pleading, Loaded Question, Appeal to Emotion, The Fallacy Fallacy, Tu Quoque, Personal Incredulity, Burden of Proof, Ambiguity, The Gambler’s Fallacy, Black or White, Bandwagon, Begging the Question, Appeal to Authority, Appeal to Nature, Composition/Division, Anecdotal, No True Scotsman, The Texas Sharpshooter, Genetic, Middle Ground